Love (Betcha Can Guess Who) Thursday

I know it's Love Thursday in the Blogosphere and I have a lot to love this Thursday but lest you think that all is now perfection and I have miraculously transformed into Cinderella after the slipper fit, this is a picture of what was not our dinner last night. Because, even though I am really trying to do better with the planning of meals (famous quote from my husband, "I think maybe thinking about what's for dinner at 5:00 PM doesn't actually count as PLANNING.") I got all this prepared and put it in the oven at 5:45.

I didn't know that baked chicken took an hour and a half to, well, bake.

Coop took the kids out for Chinese food.



Jane is home sick with some sort of virus that has given her a fever and a very sore throat. Here she is cuddled up on the couch. Pretty fancy foot warmer, huh? (You might have to click to enlarge the picture and really see it.) It's one of the most valuable things in our house, actually.

I promise that I'm going to be back to my old self here any day now (whatever that means) but I'm still...

I'm so...

It's just that...


DUDES! We have all been witness to a MIRACLE! That just doesn't happen every day!

I mean what are the odds that a cat slips out in a totally strange area in a completely new part of the country, is lost for more than six weeks, and is miraculously reunited, through a microchip, with the person who loves him best in all the world?

Okay, okay, I guess that's the whole POINT of the microchip and all. (You guys stop raining on my little parade here.) Still, although I know I'm a complete sap, it seems like a miracle to me. If you could see the woods around here, not to mention the way people drive (I'm just sayin'), you'd know that it's extraordinary that he's even alive. And that he would fall into the hands of a loving and concerned family who actively sought to reunite him with his loved ones... well, it's mind-boggling.

I've had well over a hundred e-mails from people all over the globe who have been waiting for Edward to come home. And he DID!

You have to admit that's pretty amazing!

To all of you, I say thank you. I normally try to answer each e-mail individually but I'm a little behind so, instead, I give you these pictures with my heartfelt gratitude for your hope and prayers. They have sustained me, and I bet you anything, they are what sustained Edward.


hokgardner said…
Post as many pictures as you like. We'll love looking at them. My mom actually called to tell me that Edward had been found.
ktb38 said…
That's so great! I'm so glad that he's back!
Unknown said…
awww he's beautiful. I am sure you have been doing a lot of it today but please got right now and kiss his belly for me. So glad you got your baby back
LaDonna said…
I would never DREAM of raining on your parade!! In fact, after this, I'll even line up the marching band if you want!

Have you found a replacement or at least a stand-in (because I know you could never replace her) for your wonderful vet? Just wondered if he's been seen by one - or did they have one at the shelter?
Anonymous said…
he seems very happy to be home! this story makes my heart happy.
TheOneTrueSue said…
It IS a miracle.

I have no idea what "Love Thursday" is. I'm so out of touch.
DK said…
Totally a miracle! Such a good kitty/footwarmer...

Make sure Hurricane gets a rapid strep, ay?
Georgi said…
I wanted to let you know that Edward's saga has convinced me to get all 5 of my animals implanted with a chip before I move (we are moving from Atlanta to Denver) I cannot imagine losing one of my animals and Edward's story has been so. . . .
Thank you!
Barb Matijevich said…
There is a CHANCE that we would have gotten Edward back without the microchip only because the people took him to the shelter right by our house where his picture was still up on the wall. But honestly, if they hadn't taken him there and if he hadn't had the microchip, we never would have gotten him back. He was six miles away from our house and those people wouldn't have seen our signs or fliers, etc.

I'd urge everyone to do the microchip with their pets. (Sounds like a dance.) I am profoundly grateful that Edward had one! --Barb
Anonymous said…
He looks happy. Congrats again.
LaDonna said…
Hey, I'm double-commenting again :) but this would be a great human interest story for a local news channel and the news would be a great way to get the word out about microchipping pets!
Dawn said…
I am so glad he is home and he looks so happy. He will be back to his old weight in no time. He is a beautiful cat. Congrats that he got back home!!
Tiny Tyrant said…
We are all so glad he's home safe. And he truly is a gorgeous young man.
Lynn said…
I hadn't read the post of Edward being home, but I clicked on the pic of your daughter on the couch with the foot warmer to see it bigger. When I saw the pic was labeled Edward I quickly went back to look for that post. OMG I am SO happy for you!!! I had a cat run off in a new place and was gone for 1.5 weeks so I get the euphoric feeling. But the fact that a family thought to have him scanned is just amazing to me.

Post as many pics as you want. Us cat people totally get it. I'm glad he's home.
judyalter said…
Edward is beautiful--and I'm one of the many who was longing, hoping, praying for his return. I know how panicked I was when my older cat was gone for two hours one afternoon--he never goes out but snuck! So glad for you--and so glad yuo love your animals so much. My cat is gray but I always had a fondness for gold or apricot or whatever you call him.
now that is great news - welcome home edward
Lori said…
Oh my GAWD!!!

The moment I finished this post I hollared across the house to my hubby- "Guess WHAT?!?! Edward came home!!!"

I'm very ecstatic for you all - and my husband is seriously worried about me. :)
Mokihana said…
It was a miracle indeed. And keep posting pictures!

I think of all the nights I woke up out of a deep sleep and prayed for Edward's safety. I think of where he was before that wonderful family noticed him.

I wish he could talk. He could have his own blog entry telling us the whole story.

After I read the "Home" entry, I went back several times that same day to verify that I'd really read that he'd come home.

I keep reading it over and over.

Miracle? Absolutely.

I agree with LaDonna... it'd make a wonderful human interest story somewhere....

Here's to the orange flag!

Keep posting pics!
Marie said…
I have been doing a leisurely peruse through your blog and just so enjoying it, when I came to the reference about Edward being back.

"Back"?!?! "BACK"?!?! Oh my God, WHAT HAPPENED TO EDWARD?!?!?!

So even though I knew the story had a happy ending, I frantically scrolled to find out what had happened. Poor Edward! Poor you!

These little creatures become part of our hearts. I am so, so happy he came home!!