Neurotic Much?

It's 8:00 in the morning on a weekend morning and my children are still sleeping.

Do you think I'll ever get to the point where I won't fear that they are DEAD or VERY VERY SICK when they sleep in?

It can't be normal to worry this much just because they're, hello, SLEEPING. But then again, if I were normal, I'D be sleeping, too.

So, I'm about to do what I always do when I am afraid they have mysteriously been abducted by aliens during the night while I slept. I'm going to march right up those stairs and check on them.

Which will wake them up.

Then, in an hour, when we are in the midst of fighting about what constitutes a decent breakfast (Cheetos? NO.) and everyone is crabby and in horrible moods, they will ask me, "WHY did you wake us UP?"

And I will be unable to tell them that I just...missed them.


Ei said…
In not too many years Barb, they will all be teenagers and even *threats* of death will not wake them on a Sunday morning.

What I want to know is why my children SPRING awake to interrupt my shower on the weekends but dragging them out of bed on any random Thursday is pretty much impossible?
Annabanana said…
I do the same thing!

This post sounds like 'If you give a mom a moment' story - If you give a mom a moment without the children, she'll wonder where her children are... lots of stuff happens ...
and then she'll wish she had a moment without the children.

brrr, are you guys really still wearing fleece up was 93 yesterday here!
Paisley said…
The same thoughts go through my mind whenever my kids sleep in. Okay, maybe not the alien abduction one.

Good to know I'm not alone in my neurosis.
knittergran said…
The worry goes on and on. When they are away at college, you won't worry if they are IN at night since you don't even know if they are OUT. But when they are home on holidays or for the summer, you will worry just as much as you did when they were out at night in high school. Believe me.
Miri said…
Maybe it's hormones or something but this post made me tear up a little. I still use a baby monitor. It annoys my 9-y-o to no end.
TexasPeach said…
I do the exact same thing when my son sleeps in late. I don't remember doing it with my older kids..but then again there were three of them and the girls shared a room...until they were teens, they NEVER slept in.
ckh said…
My youngest daughter slept in today until about 10 - 10:30 and I went in to see if she was still breathing.

She was.

Ten minutes later her older sister woke her up. Just had to.

I can totally relate.
Mon said…
Oh Crap...and I thought I would outgrow this trait. Do you remember that first scene in Terms of Endearment when Shirley McClaines character "Aurora" has to shake her baby awake to make sure she is not dead? That is me. Seriously there have been a few mornings where I cannot move from the bed until I hear the husband or kids moving around because I'm afraid to go into their room...
Lynn said…
You know, they have video monitors that you could get for their rooms. Great way to watch them w/o waking them up.
JJ said…
I don't wake Matt. I just make sure he is breathing. Fortunately he is a heavy sleeper.
Mrs.Q said…
How do you know that the aliens didn't abduct them, and replace them with clones?

(Oh, right. I'm not helping, am I...Sorry!)

(Really, I think that's quite sweet. That you miss them, I mean, not that they may have been abducted by aliens. Unless maybe the alien clones were super-cute and fuzzy, and never asked for Cheetos for breakfast.)

(Clearly I have an overactive imagination. Stopping now!)
TheOneTrueSue said…
Ha ha ha ha ha So funny because it's so true.