Okay, That Does It

I've taken the option of commenting anonymously off of this blog.

I'm sorry to do so and I hope it won't inconvenience those of you you who comment under that option but sign your names. It's just that if someone is too cowardly to be identified when leaving rude and idiotic comments, then I don't want his or her thoughts on my blog. Call it censorship but it's my blog and you know what? You don't have to agree with me to read it. You don't have to agree with me to leave a comment --Lord knows I LIVE for the comments, pro and con --but if you're going to take a pot shot at me, you DO have to have the guts to take responsibility for it.


Misty said…
i am really sorry to hear that there have been people doing this. I don't get it...
Anonymous said…
You know you're a popular blogger when.....

You've got something in common now with both Stephanie Klein and Pioneer Woman....

Tiffany said…
u r a fashist

what about freedom of speech?

Ei said…
Aww...I wish you'd compile the nasty comments for us so we can laugh and poke fun at the "A-holes" (I watched Juno this weekend, so this is my new favorite word). Hugs my sweet.
Stefanie said…
I totally get you. Nobody comments on my blog, but I get fanfiction.net reviews from anonymous reviewers who write really nasty things.

And on Blogger I had to enable the anti-robot comment thing because I kept getting spam comments from robots.
Hannah said…
Oooh, ouch. That was a really rude comment, and I totally agree with you, why would someone waste their time reading and responding in such a mean-spirited way (and hiding behind the "Anonymous")? I didn't leave a comment yesterday, but I meant to, so here it is:
I am SO SORRY about that parking lot incident, I can imagine how upset I'd be if that happened to me, and I think you're brave to share!
knittergran said…
Yikes! I feel guilty and I didn't even do it. But I used to sign as "anonymous" before HOKGardner taught me how to sign properly. I don't get why people have to be nasty at all. When they are old, ill and dying, do they lie on their deathbeds and think back, proud and satisfied that they have been so rotten to others? Good grief...
Barb Matijevich said…
No, see, MOST people who sign in anonymously still sign their names. They just do it for the same reason knittergran did it.

For those of you who don't know, Rockstories was totally kidding. We once had two comments on a linked post by some guy who kept saying "fucken." He meant f-ing but he was too stupid to even CURSE with good spelling. Rockstories, by the way, totally tracked him down even though he had posted anonymously.

However, just to be clear, I'm not censoring anyone or I would have enabled comment moderation. Have it--say anything! Insult my ancestry and my cats! Just not anonymously.
Miri said…
what's wrong with your ancestry and your cats?

(so that was supposed to be funny)

i just found you and i am insulted on your behalf by yesterday's anon thing. for the record, tho, i totally thought suburban correspondent was hilarious with the translation idea. i dint read that as mean at all.

hope today you are flooded with comments that say:

you f-ing rock!

i am such a cussing wimp that i can't spell it out even to prove that i know how.
Memarie Lane said…
I hope you left it up so I can go see what all the fuss is about.

I don't mind people disagreeing with me, as long as they respect the fact that no one has any right to tell me what I can or can't do on my own blog.
Unknown said…
anyone that insults a cat damn well better sign their name so we track them down and go beat them UP! ;-)
Trish said…
Trolls and anonymous dyslexics... they're an occupational hazard.

I've had one in my blogging life, it happened ages ago, and yet it still upsets me enough that occasionally I need chocolate.

- Trish
(and sorry, I can't get that identity thing to work... but that's ok, you know where I live)
Trish said…
Oh! Hay! It worked!
Anonymous said…
Well, I for one, think this is a great idea.
Tenna Draper said…
Barb...maybe the anonymouse person was also having a migraine day...

Women's intuition is often such a difficult thing to nail down. You can "just know" that something is going to happen, but simply proceed in your life as if you didn't--then get shocked out of your shoes when it does, and you say "gee, guess I shoulda, woulda, coulda listened to my inner voice...hmmm" hindsight being 20/20 and all that.
Barb Matijevich said…
Maybe so, Tenna, but he or she could still have signed his or her name.

I'm not saying that the commentor didn't have the right to think and post that I deserved to be yelled at. But I AM saying that if you feel strongly enough to tell me I deserved it, you should at least have the guts to claim it by signing your name. I hate cowards.