We Remember
I'm not having a particularly good morning.
I lost most of yesterday to a particularly vicious migraine, brought about (no doubt) by the combined forces of Fall arriving with a bang and sending my older daughter off the Middle School. I got nothing done yesterday, except a really long cuddle with Edward. I haven't mailed the relish packages yet.
It's raining and cool and very windy. Our recycling spilled everywhere and in the midst of dashing kids to school at different times to different schools, I had to find a second to clean it up. In the rain. And the wind.
I'm still wearing two different sneakers. I still have a headache. I have that unsettled feeling that comes when you didn't get to spend the quality time you crave with your loved ones.
And then, you know, I remembered.
I remembered that thousands of people had the worst day of their lives on this day in 2001 --a bad morning that will never stop. Thousands of kids lost one or both parents. Hundreds of communities lost some of their finest public servants.
For them, there is no Edward kitty who will make everything all better. There are wounds that even time cannot heal.
Hug your babies (furry and otherwise) if you've got them.
And never forget.
I lost most of yesterday to a particularly vicious migraine, brought about (no doubt) by the combined forces of Fall arriving with a bang and sending my older daughter off the Middle School. I got nothing done yesterday, except a really long cuddle with Edward. I haven't mailed the relish packages yet.
It's raining and cool and very windy. Our recycling spilled everywhere and in the midst of dashing kids to school at different times to different schools, I had to find a second to clean it up. In the rain. And the wind.
I'm still wearing two different sneakers. I still have a headache. I have that unsettled feeling that comes when you didn't get to spend the quality time you crave with your loved ones.
And then, you know, I remembered.
I remembered that thousands of people had the worst day of their lives on this day in 2001 --a bad morning that will never stop. Thousands of kids lost one or both parents. Hundreds of communities lost some of their finest public servants.
For them, there is no Edward kitty who will make everything all better. There are wounds that even time cannot heal.
Hug your babies (furry and otherwise) if you've got them.
And never forget.
I noticed before 9-11 that there was a goodly # of tv stations re-airing 9-11, and interviews with the surviving families. I almost wish that the press and television would STOP BOTHERING THESE PEOPLE and LET THEM MOURN THIER LOSS! I feel the same way about Michael Jackson and Elvis.
This is not to say "forget it happened". I try to go on with my days as planned without thinking of 9-11 every time I get on an elevator with a group of Middle Eastern men. Some days it's more difficult than others. There are so many of them, and they chatter on the elevator in their native tongue and I wonder if they are conspiring--all of our computer systems are being built by these men, and well, if that doesn't concern anyone but me, then SOMEBODY is pretending to be an ostrich. All it would take is one bad apple and a little bit of code hidden, and our entire country will be at the hands of the Middle Eastern block. I wonder if anyone else thinks about these things...
For example, I have to say that in eight years I've NEVER been in a situation where I encountered a Middle Eastern man (or group of them) and though "Aaaaahhhh! What if they're planning to kill us all????"
Just another sad result of a tragic day, the increase in divisions and racist assumptions and prejudice. Such a shame that the ill effects like this linger while the positive ones fade, and what made us all better people in the moment makes so many of us worse ones in the end.
God bless this world.
9-11 had another story for me as well. It was my sons first day of preschool. A tough day for a mom to begin with, but a proud one. Dropping them off, mostly with tears. Watching the baby who you had just given birth to the day before, suddenly a preschooler?!? A milestone day.
So what do I say about what happened on 9-11....it was HORRIBLE, it should never have happened, but it did. I will NEVER forget those who died or stop appreciating the many people who lost their lives trying to save others. I will never forget those who didn't die trying to help or otherwise, many of whom are struggling now. But please, don't let them win. Trust that your "God" whoever that may be will watch over you and your loved ones, and live your lives.
As for the families of 9-11, some of them need this coverage to know that people will NOT forget, and those that don't, they turn off their TVs and don't do the interviews.