Blocked Blocked Blockedy Blockedy Blocked -and a Song
I am struggling.
My book about my experience with chronic pain just isn't coming together. In fact, the effort I am putting into fermenting it has caused a total drain on every single creative aspect of my life. I've never felt so...dry. I can't even knit. I can't even COOK.
I never understand my own creative process, and each project seems to have it's own gestation period but, as with yoga, I keep practicing on faith that I will have some kind of break-through. Or break-down. Something will HAPPEN. I am ready. I know what I want to say--I just can't find the plumb line.
Meanwhile, though, my lack of production has not been mirrored by my amazing children. Here's Ana singing the Periodic Table of Elements, set to the music of Sir Arthur Sullivan by the immortal Tom Lehrer.
She learned it over the past ten days on a bet with her science teacher. (I actually learned a little bit of it myself as she was practicing. It's an odd experience to find yourself walking through the aisles of the grocery store singing the Periodic Table of Elements but there ya go.)
(Plus, um, not to brag even MORE, but isn't she just so beautiful?)
My book about my experience with chronic pain just isn't coming together. In fact, the effort I am putting into fermenting it has caused a total drain on every single creative aspect of my life. I've never felt so...dry. I can't even knit. I can't even COOK.
I never understand my own creative process, and each project seems to have it's own gestation period but, as with yoga, I keep practicing on faith that I will have some kind of break-through. Or break-down. Something will HAPPEN. I am ready. I know what I want to say--I just can't find the plumb line.
Meanwhile, though, my lack of production has not been mirrored by my amazing children. Here's Ana singing the Periodic Table of Elements, set to the music of Sir Arthur Sullivan by the immortal Tom Lehrer.
She learned it over the past ten days on a bet with her science teacher. (I actually learned a little bit of it myself as she was practicing. It's an odd experience to find yourself walking through the aisles of the grocery store singing the Periodic Table of Elements but there ya go.)
(Plus, um, not to brag even MORE, but isn't she just so beautiful?)
And BTW, there is a video on YouTube of Daniel Radcliffe singing it a capella on a British talk show. Not as amazing as Ana, of course.
I particularly love the Mike Stanfill version here: which has Tom Lehrer actually singing the song. (Sorry I can't link to it --I need an html lesson.)
So the creative process thing... I can identify. Not that I've tried to write a book, but up until a few years back, I was an avid scrapbooker, specifically digital scrapbooking. I make hundreds of intricate layouts just because I wanted to. It was such fun, and I was really getting good at it.
One day I was approached to be on the creative team for a new digital scrapbooking site. This was such an amazing opportunity! Free digital kits, backgrounds, alphabets, embellishments, and I got to try all the new stuff first (again...FREE!) because my layouts would be used to promote the kits for others to buy. Wellllll....
It all went great for the first few months, but after awhile, I found that the pressure of HAVING to scrapbook was completely sapping all the creativity out of me. I dreaded sitting down at my computer with my photos and beautiful new kits because I couldn't take the pressure of having to come up with something to stun and amaze EVERY DAY!
I abruptly quit the creative team and haven't scrapbooked since. That was 3 years ago. I keep thinking I should go back to it,I want to go back to it, but I feel the pressure to create every time I try.
I'm not sure what my point is, and since I haven't figured my way out of my own creative block for 3 years, I can't really offer much in the way of advice. What I can do is offer a virtual hug, and admire the beautiful Ana right along with you...again! :)
When it's ready, it will flow—or you will find something else that's ready to be born from the tips of your fingers.
When the muse is sleeping, get something you LOVE to do.
There is a season for all things...
Aren't you so glad you're not in school anymore? Whew! That's alotta work!
I'm such a mom.
I think I need a drink.