August 12, 2012 -- Old Friends

I woke up this morning to the news that Scout had...exhibited intestinal distress all over the dining room rug.

Which meant steam cleaning the carpet in there.

I love that dog.  I really do. BUT I AM NOT GOING TO MISS HIM WHEN HE'S GONE.

Photo by M98 Mom Kathy.

I've written before about the March Moms but apparently, I've never written about them on this blog. That's really odd, because they're such a big part of my world.

When I was pregnant with Katherine, I joined an on-line group of women who were all pregnant with children due in March of 1998. We've stayed friends for 15 years now and periodically, we get together.  In July, a bunch of them came to see ME!

We had the best time. (Coop had taken our girls on a mountain biking/kayaking trip so that we could do real M98 Moms bonding, and THEY had a great time, too. Win for everyone.)

We stayed pretty close to my house because we had such a short time. But we did all of the local things like the Farmer's Market and the beach and we hung out by the pool and in the hot tub. We all took a yoga class together, and we did some shopping.
Photo by Kathy, again.  "Here we come...walkin' down the street..."

And we talked.

And we talked.

And we talked. There have been some hard times since we've seen each other, and some joyous ones --lots to share.

And mostly, we just enjoyed each other.

I was thinking about them tonight and how refreshing it is to have people who know you and your quirks. How restful that is. We couldn't be more different and it couldn't have mattered less.

I can't tell if it's a product of having known each other for so long, or a product of age or what, but we were all completely ourselves. We didn't have anything to prove, we didn't fear judgement, we laughed and we cried together. It was good and it was real.

I wish that kind of relationship was my default. It makes me want to strive to just be myself more with other people. I wonder what that would look like --what kind of impact that would have on my life? Imagine a world where we ALL did that.


tanita✿davis said…
THAT is really cool.

It kind of reminds me of the "Class of" groups of debut authors with new books out all in the same year. They're both cheerleader and PR group together, and it helps to not feel like you're so... out there, on the bare stage. Alone.

Tying it all to motherhood, though, is even bigger. What a fortunate idea.
Kathy Ireland said…
Love you and miss you. I get about one email a week from my airline about their seat sales....I am SO tempting to run away to LI again. Maybe in February...?
Shaatzie said…
You said something very important about the friendships of women, and you said it beautifully. What a good thing we have with these kinds of relationships, and don't we wish they all could be this kind!

Loved hearing about the March Moms!