The Way My Brain Works
I've been absent. We had a hurricane and Halloween and we instituted No Screen Sundays (which may be the best thing we've ever done) and then we had a very non-traditional Thanksgiving, due to our very non-traditional food preferences and then I went to learn writing with Elizabeth Berg. It's been a wild few months and I have a lot to talk to you about. Later.
Because right now, of course, I want to talk about something completely different.
(Please try to keep your complete and utter shock to yourselves.)
You know how I wrote once about needing some sort of update for my psyche?
A few weeks ago, we had the first ever Cooper Family Photo taken, by a real, live professional photographer.
I loved all of the photos.
Except, here's the thing: I don't recognize myself. I mean, at ALL.
Like, look at this picture:
Does that look like me to you? Seriously?
Because I have no idea who that woman is. (Except for the lipstick on her teeth--that's pretty much like me when I remember to wear lipstick.)
And it's not just that I have make-up on and earrings. It's that the person I see in these pictures bears no resemblance at all to the person I have in my head.
For example, I've been trying this new (to me) yoga pose called Full Kapotasana. I was in class one day when my friend Gary brought his teenaged daughter and she did it and so I tried it, too. (See, that right there should be a clue that my self-image is not constrained by reality.)
When I got home, I tried it and had my older daughter Katherine take a picture of me.
Which was kind of a shock, because in my head, I felt like I was doing THIS:
See how it gets tricky? If I had known what I really looked like, would I have felt so good about my own effort? If I had known I looked so...MATRONLY, would I have bought these shoes?
But would I have signed up for yoga teacher training with Sri Dharma Mittra in New York City in February?
Because I did that. I really did.
And, actually, I did it even after I'd seen the pictures.
(More on that if they accept my application.)
This is where you are NOW. This is how that pose, done by YOU, should look right now.
I bet it will change, because you will change.
We all need to stop being so hard on ourselves. We're awesome!**
**this message has been brought to you by my 2013 New Year's Resolution.
Also, it is better to keep your lower back somewhat elongated to protect it.