On the Cusp of Great Things

I love New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.

Even though my celebration has changed dramatically over the years (this year, I am spending this evening either carting my older daughter and her rock band to a gig, or staying home and wringing my hands while Coop does the carting), I love the ceremony attached to wrapping up the old and beginning the new. I love doing silly symbolic things to commemorate the ending of this hard year-- it was a hard year --and the passage into the next one: full of hope and promise and memories yet to be made.

I don't make resolutions any more, but I try to set my intentions for the year. This year, I am doing a juice cleanse over New Year's Eve and New Year's Day to symbolize my intention to continue to eat healthier and (even) more raw foods. To be mindful of how I treat my body, and to celebrate all it can do, rather than its limitations.

I'm thinking about doing a yoga practice for the hour spanning both years. Because I know with full certainty that whatever 2014 holds of me, it will hold a LOT of yoga.  Hopefully a deepening of my practice of all of the eight limbs of yoga, as well as a large dose of the asana (physical) practice.

And I'm writing this blog post, because I hope that 2014 will signal my return to writing --real writing.  I want to write my story, in hopes that it might help someone else stuck in the inexpressible misery of chronic pain.

I guess that's it: Health/Nourishment, Yoga, Writing.

And love. May I have the opportunity and strength to sow it wherever I travel.

Happy New Year.



Carole D. said…
Happy New Year Barb!
Carole D. said…
Happy New Year Barb!
Annabanana said…
Happy New Year! I for one am looking forward to more writing from you, and more yoga from me!
smalltownme said…
Happy New Year! You are inspirational!
Unknown said…
I've really been struggling for the last few days. I hope to feel more inspired tomorrow when I wake up. But I am really thinking about a juice cleanse at least one day, it might jolt me out if the doldrums
Pearl said…
Happy New Year!
Kris said…
Happy New Year, Barb!

And thanks for the inspiration. :-)
tanita✿davis said…
Here's to writing the first page of that new book in metallic ink (like you did in grade school at the beginning of the school year).

Happy New Year, Barb. ♥
Shaatzie said…
Let's hope the balance of this year's passing gives us sufficient moments of grace to enjoy the sheer mystery of this life and the strength to weather the challenging moments to come.

I'm waiting to see the book you write and wishing you and your family a very special New Year.
Tenna Draper said…
Happy New Year, right back atcha! And since you're planning to write, don't forget to keep us updated!!
Mokihana said…
Happy New Year, Barb... I really look forward to reading your writing.