Hello, my bloggy friends! Today is my birthday and I haven't written in a bajillion years. But my yoga guru Dharma Mittra says that how something is begun is of great importance and so I wanted to start this new decade with a little writing.

Also, my incredible Photoshop skills. 


I have another really good story about healing to tell you, and I'd love to share some of the lessons I am learning about all things therapy-related. I thought about starting a brand-new blog but then... I don't know. I'm pretty tired and this blog has been such a huge part of all of the chapters of my adult life. Except maybe this latest one where we found our dream house, I found a way to manage my chronic pain, we're running a Home For Aged Pets, and possibly watching our democracy be dismantled. 

I'm feeling really called to bolster community and connection wherever possible.

So, hi! How are you? What's new with you?


Anonymous said…
I would like to hear more about all these things! (except the dismantling of democracy unless you have ideas for how to change things because yeah, I'm keeping up with about as much of that as I can stand, myself) (but particularly chronic pain solutions!)
Anonymous said…
It’s lovely to see you here again. I am staring at sixty-five (wtf!) in a few months.

—Heidi (Smalltown Me)
Hi! Happy birthday - would love to read anything you feel like writing!