And Now for Something Completely Different from THAT

So, it was with fear and trepidation that I posted my last post about how I had lost my faith in Lance Armstrong. I was honestly worried that I would get hate mail from Lance supporters. I posted it once and then took it down, let myself sleep on it, and then posted it again.

As it turned out, you didn't much care about Lance. "Lance who?" you seemed to ask. "Lance is so LAST DECADE."

It turns out, though, that what y'all really wanted to talk about was my giraffe shirt and the wisdom of wearing such.

I know.

I just...know.

The truly best part about this shirt is that it has stitching that adds texture to it.
Click to embiggen and see the intricate detail.  You know you want to.
(My husband said, "That's either the best shirt or the worst shirt ever.")

The thing is, that's not even the worst shirt I own.

Does this painting make me look fat?
This week my girls have been in sailing camp, through the Huntington YMCA. It's been a really good experience and a good camp and they are actually SAILORS now.
Jane bringing her mighty ship into port. (Click to embiggen.)
Ana doing something sailor-ish.
The Huntington YMCA Fleet
The thing about this camp is... everything about it was pretty fun, except the counselors.  A couple of them were really nice and seemed to remember that camp is supposed to be, you know, FUN, but then there was the usual contingent of Surly and Superior. I did my thing where I take the head counselor aside and explain that we're from the South and we really don't respond very well to people yelling at us and then things seemed to get a bit better, but really, should I HAVE to do that?

Oh well, the girls had a pretty fun time and learned a new skill and Ana made a new friend in the form of her sailing partner.  But we seriously thought about doing another week of this camp --which is pretty expensive --and now I don't think we're going to because it just wasn't as fun as it could have been.


I know you all were wondering, "WHERE are the pictures of the tomato sandwiches???"

(You are, right?  RIGHT?)


It is taking FOREVER for my tomatoes to ripen.  Last year, I'd been eating tomato sandwiches for two weeks by now. I did get an inkling that the harvest is coming along today (

(Parenthetical photo, she says modestly. Bow before my parenthetical prowess!)

I will confess that I panicked a few weeks ago thinking I had forgotten to plant jalapeƱo peppers this year.  So, I planted a couple of extra plants just to be sure we'd have jalapeƱos... actually did that twice. (I know.  I just...know.)

So, I have SIX jalapeƱo plants and they are producing peppers at an astonishing rate.  This is TODAY'S harvest:
If I hadn't had the cucumbers in the "C" and the "L" shapes, I guess I could have spelled out "Hot" but perhaps I am over-thinking the whole Fun with Produce thing. (Shocker.) (I mean, really, ME? OVER THINKING? Pshaw.)
Jane (10) bought, with her own money, a new beach chair. She's grown attached to it and now watches TV like this:

Would you make me some popcorn?


Kathy Ireland said…
Isn't summer the best? I am absolutely in-love with summer this year. I don't know why but all I want to do is be outside - eating, reading, walking, drinking (well, not drinking actually) but I'm feeling so happy about this fabulous weather.
hmmm...maybe you could make jalapeno pepper sandwiches while you are waiting for your tomatoes to ripen?
Ann in NJ said…
Could make jalepeno pepper jelly to pour over cream cheese and scoop up with crackers....mmmmm. A lovely combination of sweet and hot and creamy.

And if you need a salsa recipe when the tomatoes finally come in (ours are being lazy, too), The Pioneer Woman's Restaurant-style salsa is excellent. Customizable for Texas-style heat, even.
absolutelytrue said…
I totally love the giraffe shirt. I want one. Badly.

Also, are you composting? :)
Anonymous said…
The giraffe shirt is way cool, and your lily shirt just shows that some folks wear their art on their sleeve.

Waiting for tomatoes in Maryland...
jennyp said…
About those shirts. They are so, um, well, ya do have Goodwill in New York, don't you?!
Susan said…
My tomatoes are in the same state - but we have been having strangely cool weather so I think they don't know it is time for tomato sandwiches.

Only in NY would they have cranky summer camp leaders!

Love the beachy touch in the family room!