So Excited

I have a guest post up right now at Derfwad Manor.  I would love if if you would check it out because it feels like one of the most important things I've ever written.

I think this might be the foundation of my next book. Shhh.

(What do you mean, you heard a "SQUEEEEEEE?" I categorically deny all knowledge of squealing.)

(As far as you know.)


smalltownme said…
Book book book!!!! I'll squeeeee for you too.
Lynn said…
Excellent. Just, excellent. (For me, at least for now, it's knitting. I feel so close to Heaven when I knit.)
Judy said…
Beautiful ... Such a wonderful book beginning!
Pearl said…
Excellent---Seems like the start of something wonderful!
Chronic Ennui said…
So exciting. My inner voice hasn't spoken to me yet. But you? You look and sound fabulous. I hope your book is just as awesome!
Unknown said…
You nailed it. Again. Thank you.