NOT a Zombie Apocalypse

Today on Long Island, the weather is freakishly cold, and...well...sleeting.


In October.

The weather station says a low of 37 degrees is predicted, although it's already 35 degrees, so what do they know? I am spending my day helping Jane (11) with her Halloween costume.

Wait.  Wait, what is this??

Is it the Zombie Apocalypse?

Zombies?  Hello?
Ah!  Not Zombies.

Radiant heat.

I'm not leaving the house until Spring.

Wait, maybe my feet ARE the feet of a Zombie.  That would explain so much.


smalltownme said…
That is one great house!
Ann in NJ said…
I envy your radiant heat today. We have full-fledged snow (I suspect you do too, by now) and are up to measurable inches. It's heavy and wet and the branches are coming down and I'm just crossing my fingers that the power stays on. It's yucky out there. Toasty tootsies would be a bonus.
Bullwinkle said…
We turned on the fireplace today - I have zombie cats.

Love the picture - radiant heat is just delightful.
hokgardner said…
That picture cracks me up!

My kids bundled into sleeping bags last night and slept in the tree fort.
Ei said…
You have the life, Barb. My only radiant heat comes from the dog sleeping on my achy feet.