
After approximately 19, 632 tries, I finally have my forearm stand.

I mean: I have it every time I do it now.  (I just had to resist the urge to knock wood and do the sign of the cross and cross my fingers and...turn around three times and spit on the ground.)

It turns out that finding the sweet spot of alignment really was mostly mental, although not in the way I thought it would be.  I assumed it was fear that was keeping me from nailing it--fear of falling on my face or fear that I wasn't strong enough to hold the pose.

It turns out that what it really was for me was the inability to still my mind and my body INTERNALLY.  I was always really conscious of the music or the chatter or the fact that people were waiting on me as I attempted the pose again and again.  As soon as I learn to still myself from the inside out, I just...HAD IT.
(Videography by Jane (11), who has a hard time stilling HERSELF, too.)

I can think of a lot of applications for this lesson, and if I ever come down from this forearm stand, I plan on implementing them.


Lynn said…
Sitting (but not in the lotus position) ovation!
Susan said…
That's awesome Barb!
I still remember when it clicked for me - such a good feeling!
Ann in NJ said…
Wow! I don't know if I'm more impressed by the forearm stand or the learning to still yourself internally. Both seem very hard to me.
Judy said…
Awesome ... congratulations!
mamabeth said…
Your pose shows amazing balance ... a damn good metaphor for how our lives should be, wouldn't you say? I'd bet you are totally motionless (just like in the picture) and there is none of the shakiness or muscle tremors we usually associate with being in "weird" positions. Congrats....on ALL levels of your success!
vanloon61 said…
Looks beautiful! Congratulations.
Becca said…
That's wonderful! Yay, Barb!
That almost makes me want to try it too! But I am afraid, and I know what it is ... fear of breaking something. This fear also prevents me from attempting a cartwheel (to see if I can still do one) at age 50...
Bgats said…
NIce! I so look forward to this day.
Bgats said…
NIce! I so look forward to this day.