Not twenty minutes ago, my husband walked through the door with this.

The microchip worked.

I can't stop crying. And I almost don't believe it.



Anonymous said…
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Welcome home, Edward!!!!!

Can't wait to hear the story....
Annabanana said…

I am in tears, really. Sometimes technology is just the best thing in the universe. He looks great! Much LOVE!!!!
LaDonna said…
Oh Barb!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!! Funny, I'm sitting at home and I practically shrieked, "EDWARD IS HOME!" My hubby know exactly what I was talking about!

You have both of our congratulations on getting your dear Edward back! How's that for an ending to dreary Monday!?
That is great. Now you can really start feeling settled in.
Anonymous said…
Sniff. Gulp. Sniff.

Welcome home, Edward. We've all been waiting for you.
Ei said…

The noodles worked!

And um. Can I see a picture of his toes? Please? Edward, we've missed your toes (me and Barb at least, I'm sure).
Anonymous said…
Every day when I click on your blog, I hope that maybe you'll say Edward has come home. TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! My eyes have misted over.....
Kerry said…
Where the heck has he been?
Anonymous said…
Does it make you at all nervous that so many of us were out here lying in wait for pictures of your cat?
Mrs.Q said…
Thank FSM! & Mr.Q is just as excited as I am to hear the happy news. YAY!

I'm feeling a little choked up myself...maybe I'll go pour a glass of wine to celebrate.

Again, I say YAY!!!!!!
old lady said…
Hooray! Now it's really your home!
Anonymous said…
This is wonderful news. I always thought he'd come back to you although I thought he'd be back a bit earlier than this. Edward, you're late!!

Big sigh of relief across the Pacific...
Anonymous said…
Wonderful, I'm happy for you. Will I see you this coming weekend?
Ann in NJ said…
My heart has been breaking for you - I have two cats of my own and can't imagine being without one. Hooray!
Susan said…
How great is that!?! Now everything about the move is perfect. Good old Edward.
Anonymous said…
So you WILL tell us more, right?
Adrienne said…
Oh, Edward!!!!! I have been checking your blog every day hoping to read this. I knew he'd come home :-) Can't wait to hear the story - what you know of it, at least!

TheOneTrueSue said…
Oh my gosh. I just got CHILLS.

This is EXACTLY how I felt when Elizabeth Smart came home.

(I'm probably going to hell for saying that, but it's true.)

Lynn said…
Did he give you the "well *I* knew where I was, so I couldn't have been lost" story? Very happy for you. This calls for some Hershey Special Dark and a bite or two of Ben & Jerry's!
Yosemite said…
I am so happy!! I've been reading your blog and hoping that Edward would be found. I was beginning to doubt and here he is!!!! This is so fantastic!!!!!
Amanda said…
Bloody brilliant!! That's the absolute best news I've heard, I've been so sad about Edward but you have your orange boy Back!!!

Best news ever. Fully welcome to the East Coast!!
Mokihana said…
I am sitting here crying, crying crying... oh. my. God. Can't stop crying. I feel as though my own cat has been found!

Thank you God and microchips!

I really want to hear the rest of the story. Where was he? How? When?

Oh Barb....

tears flowing down my cheeks and I can't stop them.

Welcome home, Edward! Sit! Stay!
LaDonna said…
I know I was here much earlier and already commented but I just had to come back and read it again! And LOOK at how many people out there were just waiting for Edward...oh, if only he could tell you his adventure, you'd have writing fodder for a year!

By the way, I'm inspired. Hubby and I have been debating whether or not to chip our fur-baby. Well, at the next Humane Society micro-chip weekend, Sasha is getting a chip of her very own!
Anonymous said…
TEARS, Screams of JOY, MORE tears!!!! Edward is BACK with his furrever family and ALL is SO MUCH BETTER with the world. Really. As staff to 5 furries of my own, two of them butterSCOTCHES, words can't express how HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY our whole family is (I just woke up my 10yo & 7 yo DDs to tell them - they've been praying for Edward to return to you & your family, Barb!)
(and tomorrow we make an appt with our vet! - bless that microchip!!!)
Anonymous said…
I've already commented but it doesn't appear to have posted. I rarely comment but I have to say I'm so glad Edward's back home! I'd almost given up hope.
He looks really well too.

Wendy in N. Ireland
Beth said…
Whoohoo! I'm so excited for you and for Edward! I bet he heard we're supposed to get nearly a week of rain and high-tailed it for the nearest shelter.

A belated welcome to our horn-blowing, brake-stomping, hair-raising corner of the world! Maybe we can meet in Manhattan for lunch one of these days (I'm in Jersey).
Tenna Draper said…
I have to admit that I'm surprised and pleasantly so.

Glad Edward is back...now...tie him to a chair and read him the riot act, then put the screws to him to tell you all his adventures so you can tell us about it and fill our hours with endless cat tails.
Anonymous said…
This is the best thing I've read all day (it's 7:20 am, but still....) Hooray!
Anonymous said…
How wonderful!
Anonymous said…
Unbelievable. I'm so happy for you and Mark and the girls. How did the girls react? Did they freak out?? Where was he?
Anonymous said…
I'm so, so, so happy for you and your family. We lost our orange cat, Cheeto, on Monday, to a car accident and I've never been sadder. Here's to a lot more years with your Edward.
Anonymous said…
oh that's so wonderful! Everyday I hope to see that news on your blog. I'm so happy for all of you!
Unknown said…
Hurray!!!! This was a wonderful way to start my day. I'm so glad he is home with his family again.
TexasPeach said…
Yay! Our dog has a microchip and I always hope that it would work if we ever needed it to. So glad to know that it does and sooooo happy for you that Edward is home!! A great way tos tart my morning...hearing that from you. Now maybe you will be able to settle in and REALLY enjoy your move.
Heidi Malott said…
Oh my!! What great news! Edward looks like he is in good condition too! The stories he could tell...
Anonymous said…
All I can say is...

Edward, you have some explaining to do!!

I am glad he is back with the people he belongs to!!!

Suna Kendall said…
I almost started to cry, here at work!

I can't wait for more info.
Barbara said…
I've been following your blog for a while now, holding my breath every day hoping to hear that you have found Edward.

It's amazing how important 15 lbs of fur and purr can insinuate themselves into our lives until we cannot imagine being without them.

I'm so happy for you and your family.
Georgi said…
How wonderful! Now I am making an appointment to get all 5 of my animals implanted as I am moving in a month. I am very happy for you and for Edward!
Dawn said…
Thank God he is home!! Good for you! My cats are my children and I would be lost without any of them. These microchips, who would've guessed. I won't complain again..