It's Official
Puberty is all around me.
Even the puppy's voice has changed.
(Youtube clip embedded here, for those of you who get the blog via e-mail.)
He's entered a very destructive phase:
He doesn't want to stay outside:

He just bedevils the heck out of his siblings:
And his parents:
and has to be the center of attention at all times:
And there's lots of eye-rolling and moodiness...oh, wait, that's not all HIM.
Dang, are all of these rites of passage necessary?

Good thing he's so cute.
Even the puppy's voice has changed.
(Youtube clip embedded here, for those of you who get the blog via e-mail.)
He's entered a very destructive phase:
He doesn't want to stay outside:
He just bedevils the heck out of his siblings:
And his parents:
and has to be the center of attention at all times:
And there's lots of eye-rolling and moodiness...oh, wait, that's not all HIM.
Dang, are all of these rites of passage necessary?
Good thing he's so cute.
don't worry, it's just a phase (this is what my mother always said about us kids, too).
I've just finished catching up on all you've been up to - it sounds like you've been having a particularly trying time lately. I'm sorry I missed the chance to tell you how very much I enjoy your blog. You are a very special person, and can make me smile, even when I can't think of anything to smile about by myself.
I hope things look up for you soon.
Good luck with the destructive stage....
(Sorry about the house.)
He's supposed to be cute; that's his job. At least until he can catch his own squirrels and feed himself.
And hey, your woodwork looks just like mine!
I have been considering getting a new puppy, but this is giving me pause.
I think she out grew it. I don't know. The ex got to keep that one. lol I got the good dog.
Nylabones! Great big nylabones. They are your friend.
Hugs honey.