For My E-Mail Subscribers
If you are a subscriber of my blog, you received what is called a "Short Feed" via e-mail today. I'm experimenting with the concept in order to send people to my blog website so that I can get an idea of my actual readership numbers. I know that sounds very organized and self-promotional, but just put it down to the whole body-snatching, zombie thing taking over my life (I swear, it's the YOGA --it's changing my life!) and go about your day. I was kind of hoping there would be some verbiage to tell you to click on the title to go to the blog and read the rest of my scintillating prose but alas, it was not so. Here's a link if you missed it: On the Couch Again...(Sing It With Me, Y'all)
Also, my foot is feeling great now, so thanks for your words of support. Maybe I don't even need this dang foot--I just need YOU!
(Also otherworldly is this rash of exclamation points. Yoga is a powerful, powerful thing.)
Also, my foot is feeling great now, so thanks for your words of support. Maybe I don't even need this dang foot--I just need YOU!
(Also otherworldly is this rash of exclamation points. Yoga is a powerful, powerful thing.)
That's why I switched back to a full feed for mine - I know that sometimes it takes me a little while to get to the point.