The New Normal 5/365


We were supposed to take a trip today to see my parents for the first time since last April when we met at the beach --seeing each other for the first time since August of 2019.

The Pandemic has really changed things. We're in Austin, and my parents are in Dallas, which is only about three-and-a-half hours away. (I saw a meme the other day that said you might be a Texan if you think of distance in terms of hours, and it really resonated with me. Texas is BIG.) We used to visit a lot more frequently but we are trying not to kill each other (which seems reasonable. I'm pretty sure that would cast a pall on a visit.)

It takes some effort to do all of the shuffling that needs to happen in order for me to take time off, and for the stars to align with our one trusted pet-sitter, and for my beloved to take time away from HIS job. And we have my daughter Jane here for another week before she heads back to college and you can imagine how much my folks were looking forward to her.

We were literally walking out the door when I got a text from a client I had seen in person the day before saying they'd tested positive for Covid-19.

So I'd been directly exposed and all plans were canceled. 

We canceled the hotel and our friend/pet sitter and unpacked. I alerted the other clients I had seen in person as to their exposure --I am only seeing a handful of people in person but I guess even that is too many during this latest surge. I'll test tomorrow and the next day to see if I've got the virus. 

I definitely could not take a chance on infecting my parents, who are now in their 80s. 

I don't know what the lesson here is, exactly. Just that we can't get complacent? That sacrifice is still being required of us? That the virus is here to stay? That you don't know how much you want to see your mom until you make plans and then have to cancel them?

I'm still really hopeful that 2022 will bring some sense of normalcy, and that we'll all be together again safely and in joy. Stay steadfast, my loves. 

daily gratitude: telehealth, vaccines, flexibility


Bethany said…
I'm so sorry. We are supposed to visit my 80+ year old parents in a little over a week and the stress of wondering if I'll be exposed or test positive is mounting. Our favorite saying in this household when disappointments like this happen is, "Could be worse!" I had a friend who was seven hours in to an eight hour drive to see her daughter she hadn't seen in a long time when she got the call from her coworker that tested positive. She finished the drive, dropped food on the porch, backed up and said a hello from afar, and then cried all the way home. Fingers crossed that you and everyone that has been close to you stays negative.
Jen B said…
I am so sorry that you had to cancel seeing your parents and all of your plans and that now you are waiting to see if you test positive. These are trying times and the joys that we used to take for granted -- hugging family, time off from work -- see so few and far between.
Karmon said…
Oh Barb, I’m sorry to hear this news. I’m
Recovering from Covid 12 days past my test. I’m still coughing
And Every little movement gets me out of breath. I hope you do not have Covid. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone
Becky M said…
You absolutely did the right thing, as hard as it was. I’m so sorry that you missed out on that special visit, but it’s out of your control. I was directly exposed the week before Christmas, so we canceled our plans to travel to my sister’s house. That worked out better though, because I had my stroke oh Christmas Eve & we were able do get to the local hospital. These are crazy times. Hoping that you and your loved ones are all safe and well.

ccr in MA said…
Oh, I am sorry you had to cancel! It's heartbreaking, except when you think about how you'd feel if you gave it to them. Tough choices all around these days.