So, the thing is... Moving Right Along

I sent a new column out to notify my other readers that we're moving. Click here to read it: So, The Thing Is...Moving Right Along

I don't know. It's beginning to feel awfully official! Send wine!


MadMad said…
OK. Just when you have some time, no big rush... can you tell me the difference between the columns and the blog? I know you used to write the columns until April - I thought the blog supplanted it. And are they basically posts you email to people? Are they written in addition to your posting? And how do they differ - topic, length, etc.?

Just when you get a chance...
Suna Kendall said…
I am doing my best to be happy for you, though you are going to one of the few places in the US that I simply could never bring myself to go to. (Probably all those New York retirees I met as a teen in South Florida. And yes, I know there are many wonderful people in New York, and there certainly are some very nice rich people on Long Island--guess I know I am NOT one of those people who is going to ever be rich enough!) I am glad the housing prices are so high in your part of town--it will help you find something other than a hovel to live in (the reason you won't find me in southern California--I couldn't even afford a shack there on my tech writer's salary).

But it sounds like something you all really want, so I look forward to hearing how it goes! There are a lot of decisions in the future, which should be fodder for a lot of writing.

I will be rooting for you. think of me as I interview for yet another contractor job, but at least one very near my house.
hokgardner said…
Just when we finally start hanging out together (twice counts as hanging out, right?), you move.

When will the move happen? How many more yarn shopping/lunch expeditions can we fit in?
Anonymous said…
Oh, gosh. I mean, not that I've ever seen you in person more than twice maybe but I'm still feeling all choked up like I'm going to miss you around these parts. But that said, I'm a big big big proponent of change (at least the kind of change we get to choose), so go to it, sister. And get that agent while you're at it...
Ei said…
My brother lived in Long Island and liked it a great deal. My big question (I'll bet yours too) is when the move goes down? I don't know why it matters to me. New York, Texas - you know both very far away from me. Plus I get to hear from you everyday which is probably more than I talk to my neighbors, so there's that.
Ei said…
PS - that column totally reminds me of Finding Nemo. "Because if nothing ever happened to him, well, then nothing would ever happen to him. Not very much fun for little Harpo."
Damsel said…
Well, okay. But I won't let you move until after we've had coffee. Please?
Where Barb is headed is a beautiful part of the country (ahem - injured sniff) - she'll have a lot of great experiences there (and the people are great, too, dammit) and it's a hop, skip and a jump to New England, which is a lot of fun to explore as well.

You're going to have a wonderful time, Barb! Just keep repeating that to yourself.
Anonymous said…
I don't know if you've noticed or not, but I've been kind of not commenting on your move....mostly because I'm so afraid that if it doesn't happen for some reason, I'll just, I don't know...I'll just be so disappointed.


OH MY GOSH!! I can't wait to have you so close.....I JUST CAN'T WAIT!

O.K, I'm done now.
Leanne said…
We moved to NY city for seven years and then went to the UK and now we're in Canada. It was great for my trio and helped them all become confident bigger little people. Moving is a GREAT adventure. Enjoy!
Anonymous said…
new england is nice - in all the years I lived in Conn somehow I never got to L.I. One super great thing is all the museums and activities in the area. I love love love the Bronx Zoo and Vermont and New Hampshire and Maine and Rhode Island and cape cod beaches and ...
lots of good things to explore
hope the wonderful job will pay for the whole moving experience - then what the heck just move all that stuff and deal with it later
I guess those kids need to know that mom is there but not right there(as in close enough so they won't kill themselves but far enough that they might get a skinned knee or something)