Still in Junior High

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Why am I not surprised?


MadMad said…
So - Wanna go smoke behind the gym?
Does this mean that you squeal stupidly whenever a boy visits your blog? And, um, I got college level (post-grad) - it must have been because I can use 4 different words for "puke" in one post.
Stefanie said…
Haha, My blog reads at high school level... It fits, since I'm in high school, right?
Ei said…
Giggle-snort. My blog got an elementary school rating, BUT the blog that I post on MySpace (mostly conversation with my friends...) got a GENIUS level. What the heck does that say about me?
Anonymous said…
Yeah - me too! At least I'm in good company!
Damsel said…
Um, will YOU sit with me at lunch? 'Cuz I'm still in Junior High, too.
Lynda said…
I got a high school rating. I think it's just that I use bigger words than you do cuz I don't care if everyone understands me or not.