Brought to You By Bribery

My children (Ana (12) and Jane (9)) are plotting something.  I know this because I have found little clues lying about the house, including a draft of the following letter.

(Click to enlarge if you can't read it.)

(I had to bribe Jane to let me post this letter because she doesn't want anyone thinking that she and Ana are bad kids, plotting to run away from home.)


hokgardner said…
Reminds me of "The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler."
Tiffany said…
@hokgardner - LOVED that book as a kid and my daughter did, too, in her time.
Bullwinkle said…
awwww ... I hope Jane asked for something really good, cuz she's a great kid. (Curious curious :) what're they cookin' up??)
kim said…
OMG! So, can I go with them? Please?????
Mrs.Q said…
I think I am a little afraid of your children. They are WAY too smart and articulate for their own good!
Amy *aka willa* said…
Not just into the woods, or into the forest, but into the WILD!! How exciting! Maybe they can take along a chaperon (you know, just in case of emergency??) LOL
Tiny Tyrant said…
Well it's either vegetable, animal or mineral, though I don't think minerals get bigger.

Cannot wait to see what they are up to.
Unknown said…
as long as the experience does not include an abandoned bus in Alaska, I think you're fine
Kathy Ireland said…
You know what I love about this letter? The way all the bases have been covered. This is what they're doing. In case you want to "do this" - you should "do this". In case "this happens" - the "this will happen". Know what I mean. She (they) have been so much thought into the letter, keeping you aware of the situation, calming your fears, letting you know what will happen in an emergency. Nice forward thinking Cooper girls.
Barb Matijevich said…
I totally agree, Kathy! Like, if they come home, it's NOT for good or anything. Just for a week. Don't get your hopes up. While I think the plot was probably both girls, this letter is ALL Jane.

Meanwhile, I think they've abandoned plans to have this "experience." "Ana bailed on me," said Jane, highly indignant.
Barb Matijevich said…
OH! And the surprise was that Jane rescued a cucumber plant and planted it in a pot where it is now flourishing madly.

She's possibly more excited about our garden than I am. Possibly.