What Wednesday Morning Brought
This is not exactly what I was hoping for when our spastic cow-dog Scout fetched the paper this morning.
Scout is suffering from Lack of Running because my husband has been traveling and I haven't figured out how to make him get on the freaking treadmill and run off all that excess energy so that he'll deliver my newspaper in one piece.
This is not what I was expecting when I packed Ana's snack this morning. It was the last little bag of pretzels in the box and when I took the box out to recycle, I found this in the bottom of it:
Oh, look! A recipe for FAKE SNOT! File that under Things That Make Parents Scratch Their Heads. Because, dudes, have these people ever been NEAR a school? If they had, they would know that manufacturing FAKE snot is really not necessary.
But also? Cross-file that under Stupid Marketing Ideas. Because who wants to think about snot when eating pretzels? I'm totally horrified. (Y'all know how I have issues with that word anyway.)
My equilibrium was restored when the morning included THIS, though:
After I had braided her hair, I said, "Oh, Jane, you just look ADORABLE."
And she said, very calmly, "I think so, too."
What's not to adore?
This is not what I was expecting when I packed Ana's snack this morning. It was the last little bag of pretzels in the box and when I took the box out to recycle, I found this in the bottom of it:
Oh, look! A recipe for FAKE SNOT! File that under Things That Make Parents Scratch Their Heads. Because, dudes, have these people ever been NEAR a school? If they had, they would know that manufacturing FAKE snot is really not necessary.
But also? Cross-file that under Stupid Marketing Ideas. Because who wants to think about snot when eating pretzels? I'm totally horrified. (Y'all know how I have issues with that word anyway.)
My equilibrium was restored when the morning included THIS, though:
And she said, very calmly, "I think so, too."
miss u, love lin
Will you be my mommy?
What's wrong with fake snot? It's certainly better than the real thing!
You need one of those tennis ball flinging things for Scout. Keeps you from having to pick up the ball and lets you throw it farther. Does he have enough brain cells to know how to fetch?
That fake snot? They were giving it away as INCENTIVE for good behavior at Madeleine's school last year. People wonder why we homeschool.
You know what else is fun and funny and adorable today? Your post.