Math Problem
A bottle of wine has 500 calories in it.
How much laundry do you have to do to work that off?
How much laundry will work off seventeen bottles?
My MIL went home today. My FIL comes tomorrow. I've done roughly six MILLION loads of laundry today, that's why I'm asking. Well, that, PLUS, I started Weight Watchers today. Because while I've been lamenting with great drama the fact that I keep gaining and losing the same two pounds, my friend Kathy just very unceremoniously started plugging away at Weight Watchers and managed to lose 16 pounds before Christmas.
I hate dieting but I just can't pretend that I haven't gained all this weight anymore. My husband was dumping video to DVD today and dudes, there I was, in all my ever thickening glory. Clearly, something must be done. So I'm coming out to you people. I joined Weight Watchers. I want to kick innocent but svelte people! Please save me from social ostracism by encouraging me to stick to the plan and lose this weight as soon as possible!
I know you're wondering why I'm starting WW now and not, say, after the holidays and my anniversary and my birthday and Ana's birthday and Mother's Day and the 4th of July but well, the truth is that I can't take another day of not feeling at home in my skin. And those pictures sort of showed the truth--I had already gained some weight even before my foot surgery. So, okay, then, if I'm unhappy about being large, then it's up to me to take action. Because as it turns out, this sitting around waiting for some miraculous skinny pill? It's not so effective.
So, y'all hold me accountable, okay? (Especially those of you who live outside of kicking range.) Look, here's my pathetic little after dinner treat which I am not throwing away until I have gnawed every last bit of apple-y flesh off it.

Freaking fat genes.
In other news, guess what? I met hokgardner and her MOTHER at Whole Foods today for coffee. (Just a little bit of fat-free milk in mine, thanks. Oh, I'm so sorry, did I kick you?) I don't want to brag but her mother reads my work, too. (I keep wanting to ask people, "are you SURE you want to read this? Because if you don't, I'll get over. No, really. Maybe I'll get over it. Okay, okay, there's a CHANCE I'll get over it. A very slim chance but still.) anyway, we had a delightful time but I will confess to you all that I was the only one who brought her knitting.
These are Jane's new socks. Lorna's Laces (some sort of pink flavor now forgotten), 56 stitches, my same old Bamboo pattern.
I am such a geek.
In still other news, my Christmas cards finally came today.

I hate them. So, it's a really good thing that I probably won't get them in the mail before February anyway, don't you think? Actually, I was thinking about writing a Christmas letter to let people know of all the changes in our world this year.
Years ago, I was going to write a spoof on a Christmas letter and I bought THIS book.

Never used it. Never read it. Scoffed at people who MIGHT read it.
Why is it that I ALWAYS get my comeuppance? Why?
Stupid freaking fat genes.
How much laundry do you have to do to work that off?
How much laundry will work off seventeen bottles?
My MIL went home today. My FIL comes tomorrow. I've done roughly six MILLION loads of laundry today, that's why I'm asking. Well, that, PLUS, I started Weight Watchers today. Because while I've been lamenting with great drama the fact that I keep gaining and losing the same two pounds, my friend Kathy just very unceremoniously started plugging away at Weight Watchers and managed to lose 16 pounds before Christmas.
I hate dieting but I just can't pretend that I haven't gained all this weight anymore. My husband was dumping video to DVD today and dudes, there I was, in all my ever thickening glory. Clearly, something must be done. So I'm coming out to you people. I joined Weight Watchers. I want to kick innocent but svelte people! Please save me from social ostracism by encouraging me to stick to the plan and lose this weight as soon as possible!
I know you're wondering why I'm starting WW now and not, say, after the holidays and my anniversary and my birthday and Ana's birthday and Mother's Day and the 4th of July but well, the truth is that I can't take another day of not feeling at home in my skin. And those pictures sort of showed the truth--I had already gained some weight even before my foot surgery. So, okay, then, if I'm unhappy about being large, then it's up to me to take action. Because as it turns out, this sitting around waiting for some miraculous skinny pill? It's not so effective.
So, y'all hold me accountable, okay? (Especially those of you who live outside of kicking range.) Look, here's my pathetic little after dinner treat which I am not throwing away until I have gnawed every last bit of apple-y flesh off it.
Freaking fat genes.
In other news, guess what? I met hokgardner and her MOTHER at Whole Foods today for coffee. (Just a little bit of fat-free milk in mine, thanks. Oh, I'm so sorry, did I kick you?) I don't want to brag but her mother reads my work, too. (I keep wanting to ask people, "are you SURE you want to read this? Because if you don't, I'll get over. No, really. Maybe I'll get over it. Okay, okay, there's a CHANCE I'll get over it. A very slim chance but still.) anyway, we had a delightful time but I will confess to you all that I was the only one who brought her knitting.
I am such a geek.
In still other news, my Christmas cards finally came today.
I hate them. So, it's a really good thing that I probably won't get them in the mail before February anyway, don't you think? Actually, I was thinking about writing a Christmas letter to let people know of all the changes in our world this year.
Years ago, I was going to write a spoof on a Christmas letter and I bought THIS book.
Never used it. Never read it. Scoffed at people who MIGHT read it.
Why is it that I ALWAYS get my comeuppance? Why?
Stupid freaking fat genes.
I cracked up about you being the only one who brought your knitting. Everytime I see someone knitting in public now, I think of you.
And then I want to beat the crap out of everyone I know.
and then promptly forgot to email people as to its existence.
I'm trying to get back into swimming and walking. I do not enjoy the tightness of the waistband of my non-elasticized pants.
Thank you Barb-it was a treat to meet you, and I know you'll have a great time in LI, discovering that part of the country and exploring NYC!