Miss Me?
Did ya miss me? Did ya? Did ya? Huh? Huh?
Did you even notice I was gone?
Well, I was. My husband took me and the kids to Southampton for the weekend to see how the otherhalf one-eighth one third of two-forty-fifths of one percent live. We went to visit Coop's old friend --a self-made man who definitely made good--and his lovely, charming family.
I have to admit that I didn't want to go. There was a time in my life when, while not exactly one of the Beautiful People, I felt just fine hanging out with them. At this time in my life, though, I feel so Very. Horribly. Awfully. NOT.
But it wasn't at all like that. They are really beautiful people but the funny thing about parenthood is that it's the great equalizer. I mean, this family had beautiful home in one of the most beautiful areas near some of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen, but even with a lot of help, they were still dealing with their teething little eleven-month-old (who, by the way, I thought seriously about just packing right up in my suitcase and bringing home with me) and their two-and-a-half year old, who was very cute but still in that not-totally-fluent-in-English, big into "NO!" phase. They were so nice and such generous, gracious hosts. We had a really nice time.
Of larger issue is how much of my life I have spent eating at the same table as the popular kids and not ever, even once, feeling like I belong there. I mean, I am forty-freaking-three years old. Will I EVER feel like I'm good enough, smart enough, thin enough, rich enough, funny enough, creative enough, kind enough, hip enough --will I ever feel like who I am is ENOUGH?
Well, enough of all that (for today anyway) because today? My girls got bean-bag chairs.
Dude. There is nothing cooler.

Did you even notice I was gone?
Well, I was. My husband took me and the kids to Southampton for the weekend to see how the other
I have to admit that I didn't want to go. There was a time in my life when, while not exactly one of the Beautiful People, I felt just fine hanging out with them. At this time in my life, though, I feel so Very. Horribly. Awfully. NOT.
But it wasn't at all like that. They are really beautiful people but the funny thing about parenthood is that it's the great equalizer. I mean, this family had beautiful home in one of the most beautiful areas near some of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen, but even with a lot of help, they were still dealing with their teething little eleven-month-old (who, by the way, I thought seriously about just packing right up in my suitcase and bringing home with me) and their two-and-a-half year old, who was very cute but still in that not-totally-fluent-in-English, big into "NO!" phase. They were so nice and such generous, gracious hosts. We had a really nice time.
Of larger issue is how much of my life I have spent eating at the same table as the popular kids and not ever, even once, feeling like I belong there. I mean, I am forty-freaking-three years old. Will I EVER feel like I'm good enough, smart enough, thin enough, rich enough, funny enough, creative enough, kind enough, hip enough --will I ever feel like who I am is ENOUGH?
Well, enough of all that (for today anyway) because today? My girls got bean-bag chairs.
Dude. There is nothing cooler.
Yes, I did miss you, but more because I hadn't checked your blog than I knew you were gone. I've been offline alot lately, but that's a story for another day...maybe I'll blog about it. Might help.
Glad you're back!
I missed you, but I missed you because I was away too...and I was at my mama's birthday party and sitting outside my sister's house watching the Harleys cruise by. Could we have HAD more different weekends?