So, my kids are out of school today.
Yeah, I know, big difference from LAST week. We've had, um, NO full weeks in school since we moved here. But anyway --not that I'm bitter --at about 4:00, I sent my husband the following e-mail under the subject line: Metrics.
Waffles toasted: two
Bagel toasted and spread with peanut butter: one
Dogs fed: two
Cats fed: one
Loads of laundry: 10
Beds made: three
Playing Poor People: 1 game
Carpets vacuumed: 3
Rooster wallpaper spotted behind refrigerator: 1

Nervous breakdown by Barb: one (to date)

Rooster wallpaper removed: 1

Threat of upchuck over what was under refrigerator: one
Visit from handyman: 1
Check written as deposit on new cabinets: one
Computer time: 1 hour per girl
Game of spies played with Walkie-Talkies: 1
Tea Party: 1
New clothes tried on: many (Hanna Andersson sale package arrived!)
Dog yelled at for barking: 63,007 times (roughly)
Dishwasher unloaded: twice
Boxes emptied: 2
Game played with pet carriers: 1
Pet carriers left on kitchen table: 1
Times mom had to ask to have it removed: 31,006 (roughly)
Stuffed animal school games: 2
Songs written: six
Songs videotaped without accidentally laughing: five
Chef Surprise cooked: one batch
Ramen cooked: one
Pizza reheated: two slices
Trips to beach: zero
Trips to grocery store: 1
Band-Aids applied to infinitesimal scrapes: one
Number of children limping inexplicably: 2
Times Jane dissolved into screaming and/or crying: three
Tattling: fourteen incidents
Really, a very good day.
Yeah, I know, big difference from LAST week. We've had, um, NO full weeks in school since we moved here. But anyway --not that I'm bitter --at about 4:00, I sent my husband the following e-mail under the subject line: Metrics.
Waffles toasted: two
Bagel toasted and spread with peanut butter: one
Dogs fed: two
Cats fed: one
Loads of laundry: 10
Beds made: three
Playing Poor People: 1 game
Carpets vacuumed: 3
Rooster wallpaper spotted behind refrigerator: 1
Nervous breakdown by Barb: one (to date)
Rooster wallpaper removed: 1
Threat of upchuck over what was under refrigerator: one
Visit from handyman: 1
Check written as deposit on new cabinets: one
Computer time: 1 hour per girl
Game of spies played with Walkie-Talkies: 1
Tea Party: 1
New clothes tried on: many (Hanna Andersson sale package arrived!)
Dog yelled at for barking: 63,007 times (roughly)
Dishwasher unloaded: twice
Boxes emptied: 2
Game played with pet carriers: 1
Pet carriers left on kitchen table: 1
Times mom had to ask to have it removed: 31,006 (roughly)
Stuffed animal school games: 2
Songs written: six
Songs videotaped without accidentally laughing: five
Chef Surprise cooked: one batch
Ramen cooked: one
Pizza reheated: two slices
Trips to beach: zero
Trips to grocery store: 1
Band-Aids applied to infinitesimal scrapes: one
Number of children limping inexplicably: 2
Times Jane dissolved into screaming and/or crying: three
Tattling: fourteen incidents
Really, a very good day.
And what, no playing orphan?
I guess I'm glad that's as close as they've ever come to real poverty, but you'd think they could find a more cheerful game!
I guess that wallpaper is going to haunt you forever!
This might have had something to do with the fact that the hand-man told me that there is no way to fix the drawer in the island because it's made of cheap particle board so we have YET ANOTHER shoddy thing to replace here. And have I mentioned that we still haven't sold our house in Austin?